Our patients have many of the same questions about acne. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation and myths about acne, and many people have incorrect beliefs about the causes and treatments of acne. Here are the correct answers to some of the most common questions we get about acne.
Is Acne Caused By Poor Hygiene?
There is no relationship between cleanliness and acne. Although an important practice for maintaining a healthy complexion, hygiene is not related to the development of acne. Clogged pores are caused by internal factors including hormones and genetics, not by a lack of cleaning. Clogged pores can appear black because of the accumulation of material within the pores. Forceful scrubbing or the use of abrasive cleansers can irritate the skin and make acne worse. Effective treatment should consist of topical medications and pore cleansing facials.
Can Certain Foods Cause Acne?
Although many people feel that certain foods such as chocolate, pizza, milk or french fries can lead to breakouts, there is no scientific evidence that dietary choices can cause acne. In the same way that proper nutrition is important for your overall health, a healthy diet is just as important for maintaining optimal skin health and a healthy complexion.
Is Acne Only A Problem For Teenagers?
Although teenage acne often improves after the teenage years, it can frequently persist into adulthood. Sometimes it remains a problem for one’s entire life. Also, during periods of stress or under conditions of hormonal fluctuations, such as in a woman nearing menopause, acne can flare up.
Why Does My Acne Get Better When I Go To The Beach?
Exposure to the sun can reduce pimples in the short run, but may actually cause breakouts to get worse a couple of weeks later. This is because the sun’s ultraviolet rays are harmful to the skin. The damaged skin cells clog the pores causing increased breakouts.
Is It O.K. To Squeeze Or Pop My Pimples?
Never pick at your pimples. Squeezing or popping your pimples can lead to more inflammation and permanent scarring.